News & Guides
Odell Beckham Jr will be featured on the Madden NFL 16 cover
2015-07-20 16:55:27
EA Sports also has tweaked the way spectators look and has added rally towels. Also female fans have been added to the mix along with official jackets and hats from the team store. Chants and fight songs from all 32 teams will also be included in the game. Lest we forget, this is the same series that took two iterations to figure out it's a good idea to allow players to be able to dump all of their XP into one stat, as opposed to forcing them to painstakingly buy one point of advancement at a time (credit where it's due: Tiburon fixed it for this version). Today, Electronic Arts released a first-look teaser of this year's console football game, Madden NFL 16, and announced who will be featured on the game's cover: the New York Giants' Odell Beckham Jr.
Sadly, the rest of Madden NFL 16, particularly the Connected Franchise Mode, doesn't quite live up to the elegant new playcalling. Like most annual sports franchises, Madden has its share of legacy issues, and one of the biggest is its atrocious interface. It's an issue that rears its ugly head once again with the new "Game Prep" mechanic, which is meant to simulate rookie development as well as the mood of the team. Put simply, if you lose too much, your team will lose confidence in your abilities, and they won't play as as well as before. You can boost their confidence a bit from a pool of points, but only if you find the right menu, which is easier said than done. This is a personal bugbear of mine, so you'll forgive me for harping on it so much, but the menus make it a real chore to get anything done when managing your team.

In addition to that Madden NFL 16 Deluxe Edition is incorporated with all other features that Madden NFL 16 standard edition contains like superb control passing, robust Defense/Attack control, integrated broadcast graphic experience, MUT, skill training sessions and lots more. Of course defense isn’t the only point of view that has gotten a vast improvement. On offense the pacing of the game is far more deliberate and thought provoking than ever before. Partially due to the much increased frames of animation and more due to attention to detail and realism will you find the running game tough but fair which forces you to really read the lines and find the holes more than ever before. Toss in a new stamina meter that will keep gamers from over using the boost button, as not only will your running back play fatigued but also cause a fumble if they are too tired to keep their wits about them.
It was tight and a marked improvement over last year’s entry into the series. Visuals and gameplay both received significant enhancements making for a fantastic next-gen NFL launch game. Was it perfect? Not even close; but it pushed the franchise forward a nice debut for Madden on next gen platforms. Over the past week I put EA Sports latest installment in the Madden franchise through the gridiron gauntlet. Much like Madden, Madden NFL 16 isn’t virtual NFL perfection either but sweet geezus this is about as close to perfection I have seen from any football game, EVER and that says something. Okay settle down Madden keyboard warriors; yes there remains plenty of room for improvement but make no bones about it this is the best we have seen from the franchise to date.
EA SPORTS provides “Grinder’s Guides” on how to earn Coins with the Auction House and Solo Challenges, as well as how to find inexpensive players with Community Sleepers. Just like solo challenges, H2H Seasons can be impacted by current promotions within MUT 16. For the bigger promos this season, milestone rewards have come with a bonus collectible that has been easy to turn into coins. Additionally, EA Sports will sometimes announce a "double H2H coin reward weekend". I would also suggest buying the season pass if you plan on playing other EA Sports games. I have talked about this in the past, but once again I believe that the season pass is good to have if you plan on playing other EA Sports games with the benefits you will receive on Madden, and in the other games for NFL 16 Ultimate Team. With the season pass you will receive a cheaper price when buying packs, and you will also receive benefits for free weekly packs, and discounts on gold packs, and other updates that will eventually come into the game.
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